Support the 340B Program

Infocus Pharmacy is a contract 340B pharmacy for Crescent Community Health Center.

What is 340B and why do we have it?

  • The 340B Drug Pricing Program allows hospitals and other health care providers (“covered entities”) to obtain discounted prices on “covered outpatient drugs” from drug manufacturers.
  • For more than 25 years, the 340B program has been at the intersection of health centers’ ability to manage three primary goals for health centers: Access, quality and financial viability.
  • Access – 340B enables health centers to ensure patients can afford prescribed medications, particularly underserved and uninsured patients.
  • Quality – Pharmaceuticals enable health centers to treat acute conditions, manage chronic disease and optimize health outcomes.
  • Financial Viability – 340B savings enable health centers to support key patient care services that may otherwise be unfunded and unavailable to patients.
  • ​​​​​​Crescent Community Health Center (Crescent) leverages savings from the 340B program on behalf of all Crescent patients, regardless of income or ability to pay, to ensure access to safe and appropriate medications. This savings generates enormous community benefit by allowing us to reinvest savings in our care model for all patients.

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